Saturday, September 8, 2012

People who are ALWAYS late!

Individuals can be divided into those who are punctual (like myself) and those who are always LATE! Sure, even punctual people can occasionally be late for an appointment, but they will usually have a really good reason why, unlike the tardy person who always makes excuses. Fact is, that those suffering from tardiness actually think that their time and what they are doing is more important than yours, and because they think little of you they do NOT forward plan to ensure that you are not kept waiting. But here is the real crux of the matter; these narcissistic individuals feel special that you are waiting anxiously for them, indeed, they think it is they who will make the whole experience of meeting up exciting and you should be grateful for their amazing presence! Being late feeds their arrogance, they don't have to be courteous to you, but they expect you to be courteous to them! Mobile phone use has exacerbated the issue of tardiness, for individuals adhere to the maxim 'you're never late when you can send a text'! NO, sorry, this is just not good enough. Again, those who use this strategy are just making media personalities of themselves - Oh, I'm so important, I must be on the phone texting people who are waiting for me. My little slaves hanging on my every movement, waiting for my entrance. However, having said all of this, these very people can always manage to get to a work appointment, film or theatre show; occasions that involve money, pleasure or prestige. Obviously being late to meet up with you is of low priority in their field of vision, so the only way to deal with these people is to wait for 5-7 minutes and then go about your usual day. Hopefully if everyone begins to deal with tardy people in this manner they might begin to understand that your time is important and their behavior is selfish and unacceptable.

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