Saturday, November 26, 2011


I've been awake and up since 4.36am this morning, I do make a habit of this. However, this has occurred over the past few days because of the steroid I'm taking to counteract the bee toxin in my body. I've only one more tablet to take and I should be on the mend. It's been raining in Melbourne and a little stronger over the past half an hour. I have my front door open and can hear falling rain and distant bird sounds all mixed together in one glorious symphony. It sounds beautiful and feels a lot like the Reiki (霊気, meaning  mysterious atmosphere and developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui) session I had yesterday at the Usui Reiki Centre in Camberwell. Having hands-on healing from a complete stranger was interesting and rewarding. I felt heat generating from the back of my neck into my shoulders and I saw in my mind's eye a large, smooth, black lake. There were no people or animals in the scene, just a sense of calm and serenity. The ambiance was that of night, however it held a sense of magic. I've just undertaken a little research, which suggests that a lake is is not only a symbol of a mirror because of the water's reflective surface, but a point of transition between life, death and transformation. I also kept silently hearing the word 'John' and when I asked the Reiki person who laid her hands on my shoulder's who John was, she told me that he began the centre in 1991. At the end of the session I felt an urge to find something in the room. I was drawn to a tiny photo on a table, it turned out to be an image of John and his deceased wife. This was an extremely strange and interesting experience for me. I'll never really understand all this psychic stuff, though acknowledge it exists and that sometimes I appear to tap into it.The rain is still falling. I'm feeling peaceful and looking forward to the day, which, I imagine will be quiet.

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