Sunday, March 13, 2011

the simple act of buying a book

Over the years I have spent a lot of money on books. It has been an indulgence. If I saw something I wanted I got it regardless of price ( and regardless of my income; which made it so indulgent)

Going into a good book shop and finding a great non fiction text or a novel was a pleasure. In particular a place called Robinson's Book Shop in Frankston I found very satisfying.
My book buying process has been disturbed by moving to a far away suburb and the introduction of online buying. I am searching for a book now after seeing a story on the PBS newshour SBS tv. . David Brookes was interviewed about his new book 'The Social Animal'

I have searched online to buy the book. I now understand why Australian booksellers are having financial problems. The first Australian site was not user friendly and the second priced the book at four times more expensive than from Amazon with a longer shipping time!

I will get the book! I will update you how (best cost and delivery time) and most importantly if it ends up being worth the trouble.

Recently I have read 'Corrections' by Jonathan Franzen (born August 17, 1959). It was a brilliant book about a family ( very well developed characters that give insight into the human frailties we all share) , better than 'Freedom' the more recent book by
Franzen which I read first and mentioned in an earlier blog.

In the last few weeks I have also read the disturbing, extremely well written , slim ( at 200 odd pages ) 'Disgrace' by J M Coetzee.

It is great to get onto a good author and follow up on other books. I am so glad I did with Franzen and certainly intend to with Coetzee

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You've done more reading than me this week. My only excuse is that I did tutor on Friday and have been working things out for my next exhibition in April. Enjoy your book.
