Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Country ~ El Nina or HAARP?

Last night I got a text message from Brecon Walsh, presumably in response to my mention of the floods in Queensland or the fact that the media is saturated with compelling images of so many flood ravaged towns. Brecon's message simply said 'El Nina or HAARP weather war?'
El Niño (Sp ~male child)/La Niña (Sp ~female child) causes a kind of see-saw affect between dry and wet conditions. The current flooding in Australia, particularly in Queensland and NSW has been attributed to El Niño weather patterns. The Bureau of Meteorology explains that a major La Nina event continues to affect the Pacific Basin. La Niña periods are generally associated with above normal winter, spring and summer rainfall, particularly over eastern and northern Australia.
The BOM maintains the La Niña years of 1916, 1917, 1950, 1954 through 1956, and 1973 through 1975, were accompanied by some of the worst and most widespread flooding this century. Any external influences other than those produced by 'natural' causes would surely be mentioned. On that note, I looked at the HAARP research institute, which studies the properties and behavior of the ionosphere and they adamantly state that 'the HAARP facility will not affect the weather'.
Our own Australian Government, IPS Radio and Space Services are well aware of the HAARP facility, particularly their use of High Frequency radio waves into the ionosphere.
My response to Brecon, based on my limited research this morning and my memories of the many floods (and droughts) that Australia has experienced, is that there is no conspiracy to alter world temperatures by an American organization (but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't remain vigilant to the deeds of those in power); the fact is that we are a land of extremes. One of the earliest poems generations of Australian children learnt by heart was one by Dorothea Mackeller called My Country. The lines from her poem ~ the beauty and the terror, droughts and flooding rains and flood and fire and famine, perfectly describes Australia's weather patterns.
It's a sad fact that in a few weeks when the floods have subsided, many Australian's will have to deal with devastating forest fires. Let's hope there's no repeat of Ash Wednesday (1983) and Black Saturday (2009)!

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