Thursday, January 13, 2011


The University of Melbourne have a useful function on their website; find an expert

I found Professor David Karoly, he is internationally recognised as an expert on Climate Change. In the spirit of examining the other side of the argument, not a conspiracy theory, I am providing this quote from Nobel prize-winning climate scientist David Karoly via the ABC.

We have very variable climate in Australia. What we are seeing… is a change in the pattern of these extremes. There are more hot and more wet extremes in northern Australia and more hot and more dry extremes in southern Australia. That pattern is exactly what we would expect from climate change driven by more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

NASA’s annual climate report called 2010 as the hottest year on record. Only one year in the whole of the 20th century, 1998, was hotter than any year in the 21st. Global warming is heating up the ocean. The Bureau of Meteorology’s (BOM’s) annual Australian Climate Statement released on January 5 showed that 2010 sea temperatures in the Asia-Pacific region were the highest on record. More evaporation from warming oceans means higher levels of precipitation in the atmosphere. Such dramatic shifts in climate fundamentals mean that all “natural” weather events are now in some way influenced by human induced climate change.

Yes Australia has always been a land of droughts and flooding rains, however there is an explanation why these events are getting more extreme. Do academic qualifications mean nothing, why don’t we consider the views of our leading scientists?

1 comment:

  1. The Editorial in yesterday's Age newspaper (16/1/11) endorsed my views, even quoting the same academic.

