Friday, October 29, 2010

Sunrise Melbourne

I just couldn't resist photographing this mornings sunrise. It never lasts more than a few minutes and paints the sky in such beautiful colors. Already at 6.19 am (three minutes after I took this photo) the muted pinks and reds have disappeared. White clouds that float across a sky of powder blue have taken their place. So ephemeral. Time passes so quickly. I've already been at my new abode for two months. She dreams of a place with flowers ~ a faded poster on someones wall. She dreams of paper cut-out dolls and dresses them in 1950s clothes. She imagines that this image of sunrise is actually a postcard she has seen of palm trees growing in the park across from St.Kilda beach. The pier is empty. The waves lapping on either side. The sea, dark, deep, frightening all around her. One lone ship on the horizon and the faint sound of seagulls crying. She dreams of the oil refinery. The siren sounds ~ perhaps an explosion. It was always a worry being built so close to the school. The possible evacuation, the panic of small children. The man in the park that carried her. She dreams of the cosmonaut. His smiling face, which was not at all like the face of her father that she really didn't remember. Eyes closed, she imagines the fear and trembling of those on the Medusa ~ the shipwreck, the sound of the water as the waves engulfed them. Covers her ears in the dark room, watches time slow and then speed up again. Sunrise already passed and all is well.

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