Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trying to be philosophical

I'm anxious and insecure today because I've received a 120 day 'Notice to Vacate' the apartment I've been living in for the past thirteen years. No reason was given by the landlord as to why he wants me to leave, however, I suspect he wants to refurbish it and lease it for a higher amount! The whole idea of change, particularly this kind, instills fear and loathing in my body. Not only do I have to find a suitable place to live, but I may have to leave the familiar surroundings and the lifestyle I've grown accustomed to. There will be little head-space for anything until I get all of this sorted. I'll try not to use my blog as a place to vent my anger and frustration about opportunistic landlords or the fact that rental prices in Melbourne, even for a meager one bedroom flat are so high. Oh well! Last night I meditated because I was so upset ~ there was a little sobbing in there as well. As usual, I'll try to be philosophical about the whole thing ~ what else can I do?

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