Saturday, June 9, 2012

Back to my cave...

I'd like to make more posts, but of late my life has circulated around horrible symptoms and seeing a GP at least once per week. This week has also included an appointment with Dr Neil Shuey a neurologist and ophthalmologist attached to St. Vincents Hospital and the University of Melbourne who was the most amazing person - so kind and understanding and so thorough in his approach to my problem. He diagnosed all the debilitating symptoms I've had over the past year or so as migraine. Which is a relief of sorts because at least I don't have to think about brain tumors or anything else sinister happening to my body (Ha!) isn't migraine enough! Unfortunately the medicine available to prevent migraines has a raft of side affects, which I think are probably worse than the affliction. I may just have to keep treating the symptoms, rather than attempting to avoid them. The more I research migraine in its various forms the more I realize that our western lifestyle, our desire for perfection, our search for that unobtainable 'something' that we think is out there in consumables, is a horrible illusion constructed by some evil source (most probably capitalism) and should be avoided at all cost. I was watching a program on sustainable living yesterday and getting back to the 'olden days' when people grew and shared food, ate small amounts of meat and more porridge, cereals, fruit and vegetables, exercised more, had at least eight hours sleep, were careful of how much water they used, talked to their neighbors, recycled their clothes and other goods and were generally more community minded, seems to me to be the way we should be heading to solve some of the ills of our times. Or, am I just grasping at straws? Are we stuck in this bloody awe full technological web that threatens to choke and create of us, strange cybernetic beings connected to alternate screens that mirror us in text, image and sound. A cacophony! Too much! How many of us complain of headache after being on a computer for too long? Enough.  I'm closing down now & retreating back into my little cave.

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