Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Collisions: Julie Clarke + Mark McDean (February 2012)

just a hint of Cashmere Bouquet. Julie Clarke 2012
Clutch purse with back flap was constructed from recycled cardboard and covered with fine Arches Rives paper. Overall it measures 12.5 X 11 cm. The vintage pearl earring clasp is held together with thin silver ribbon. On the front I've pasted two butterflies cut from a vintage Doily. I stained the pink and blue one using dye from boiled Heirloom purple carrots. The back flap contains a photograph of my maternal grandmother - Mary Anne Elizabeth Victoria Willoughby (1896-1975). I've pasted typed and handwritten text on the inside flap. Inside the purse I've placed one dried, blue hydrangea flower, similar to the ones my grandmother grew at the side of her house. I've dusted the dried flower with Cashmere Bouquet powder. It's the scent I associate with her more than anything else.

Back flap with photo of my grandmother.

Inside flap is typed text from my book Strange Blood Sport. Handwritten text is about the Great Depression.
What can I say about a life, my grandmother's life? I can only say what I observed. This homage of sorts appears insignificant to what she must have endured and what she thought her life might  be when this photograph of her was taken five years prior to my birth. I can't believe that through the deep depression I've experienced whilst making this artwork that none of the darkness I felt within myself shows. All is light and pretty!
Thinking about the work, I feel its tactility is important, each surface - the rough and smooth, raised and even, shinny and matte finish, white and colored, bounce off one another & within the work is just a hint of Cashmere Bouquet.


  1. The purse tribute to your (our?) Grandmother is beautiful. She is very foreign to me, her appearance almost glamorous. Lauren

  2. Wonderful - intricate in every way - beautiful, evocative. Speaks so perfectly of an era of extraordinarily determined but unspoken women. Appreciate the dyeing technique especially. Great attention to detail, and the senses. Really love ...this! The pearl, the ribbon, none of which would appeal to me normally but because you've so carefully, thoughtfully constructed an image it works magnificently! Typed piece against the hand-written so effective, and image of waters breaking, sweeping over all vs dried hydrangea and cashmere bouquet powder. (Chris Barron)

  3. Lauren, apparently she was 50 years old when this photograph was taken. Yes, extremely glamorous with her ‘English Rose’ complexion, pearl earrings and pearl necklace, which isn’t showing.

  4. And Lauren, she certainly IS your maternal grandmother.
