Sunday, August 21, 2011

Body I am (Postcard from Zarathustra)


  1. Additional textures by Rawn, Wayii and Jepe, message board friends.

  2. Would you be willing to explain the image Steve?

  3. Um yes I made it with one hand tied not quite behind my back but almost, so I had a little help from my friends :) The quote is from a chapter of Zarathustra addressing different aspects of embodied experience with reference to ego. But body I am, says neitzche, all those aspects are performed by the body, I think I'm correct in saying using drawing strings, a reference to strips of cloth attached to children's clothing in past ties which assist them to learn to walk and prevent serious falls.

  4. You are doing quite well with that one hand tied not quite behind your back. You need to exercise your shoulder or it won't get better :)

  5. First full day with my arm unbound today :)

  6. Glad to hear that Steve, and I have been meaning to visit, but it has been a week of catching up with other friends who I haven't seen for a while.
