Friday, July 1, 2011

Collisions: Julie Clarke + Mark McDean

Primate - Julie Clarke, June 2011 - Approximate size 14 X 14 cm
During the week Mark and I discussed how identity is revealed or concealed. We also spoke about masks, gender dis(guises), erosion of gender binaries and the dis(ease) that sometimes comes with such endeavors. I told him of my interest in bracketing, which is a fantastic device for drawing attention to the way words and meaning are constructed. We mused over notions of the post-human, particularly that part of the theory that acknowledges our alliances with non-human others (animals and machines) - we humans are higher order primates. With this in mind and directly reacting to his lace mask, I crocheted a pubic wig (Merkin) using Italian, black & grey mohair and polyester wool with metallic fibers, I then backed it with black satin ribbon and titled the work Primate. (I apologize for the lack of detail in the photograph, wish you could see it, it is soft and lovely with small glints of silver).


  1. Interesting comment about identity 'cos the photograph looked like a Rorschach test at first glance.

  2. Interesting that you perceived it that way. Unfortunately I couldn't photograph it in such a way as to show the texture of the wool. And now, since it is in Mark's possession I can't re-photograph it. I am aware of Rorschach test, was subjected to reading them when I was at a psychologist when I was 13 years old. So, given you thought it was like a test, what did you see?

  3. Mark's first response on seeing it was that it was 'monstrous'. I like that response. I was thinking later, if it is monstrous it may be considered a kind of Medusa - the pubic hair bereft of penis = castration (Freud), but I actually made the Merkin because it can disguise genitalia, one of the markers of sex and as such may go some way to eroding the binary constructed between genders.

  4. I saw the inkblot, um, don't know what that means, except Rorschach is favourite character from Watchmen. I imagine the Rorschach test is like the Voigt-Comp test in Bladerunner, "I'll tell you about my mother" ZZZAP!

  5. I keep looking at the image, which is so different to the actual object. I perceive a sea creature with tentacles and it looks like its moving. I bet there is someone out there doing a quick psychological interpretation. Ha! Love Bladerunner...
