Sunday, March 27, 2011

New format + hope everyone is happy.

I got a little bored with the old blog format so changed it this morning. However, I had a request to change back to black text on white background rather than white on black, so I've been experimenting with new format  for the past hour. The background image is one of mine from my installation at the Public Office in 2000. Hope everyone can read the blog now and continues to read it. And, on that note, it's lovely to get messages from people saying that the blog is informative and I owe part of that two my other two regular Bloggers. It's a sunny day and I've done my regular walk, which included, of all things, looking at walking shoes. I think I've just moved into the 'sensible shoe' age group, which doesn't mean that I'll stop wearing fashion boots, it just means that on those days when I know I'm going to do a lot of walking I will wear walk shoes. Strangely enough in the shoe shop there was only one pair of shoes that the attendant could recommend for me - so I guess I'll have to buy them. Looking at the blog now I realize it has a limited palette, so it may change  it again when I have time. Sorry to muck you all around like this, but it's the creative spirit in action.


  1. - new blog format looks great (and now easy to read, thank you)!

  2. I like the new format, but must bow out from posting blogs. Thank you Julie for the great opportunity. You have my best wishes for the new look blog.

