Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bananas and aging

I was thinking the other day after having a banana for the first time in about three months, that when I was a child bananas tasted totally different.  However, I remember making that remark about bananas about thirty years ago and wondered  even back then, if it WAS something to do with aging. Was it simply that life didn't taste as sweet, that some things had lots their edge, that the flavor had gone? As I grow older I ask myself: Do I expect too much from life (& bananas), do I expect too much from myself (I've always expected a lot), am I aware of my own limitations? I'm already experiencing symptoms of aging, which alert me not to  what I can no longer physically do, but to the consequences of  what I do. Thankfully I haven't got involved in those strange lists that some people make as they get older about what they have or haven't achieved in their lives ~ I had no grand plans and yet am happy with what I have accomplished so far. Having never been physically beautiful or slim, thankfully I don't have to maintain any illusions about myself in that aspect. I periodically have a clean out of things I own ~ assessing what is and isn't important to keep and rarely hide my feelings in my dealings with others ~ so no hidden repression to sort out. Am I holding onto some secret that should be revealed.? Am I angry with someone from the past?  Nope! So, I'm asking myself, what was this blog post about? I suppose it is my way of working through day to day issues of aging and somehow rationalizing the person I believe myself to be ~ my internal self and the external manifestation of that self ~ since they are different. Somewhere along the way those two selves will merge and I will begin to accept the aging process. In the meantime I've discovered the only truly sweet bananas that taste like those of my childhood are not those with a firm, perfect light yellow exterior, but ones with a slightly brown and blemished skin.


  1. Hey I logged on at 23:43 for the 50 000th view :) I'll mail you the screenshot

  2. Thanks Steve. When I woke at 5.43 am this morning counter had already rolled over to 50,071. Thanks for your contribution to date. It has been fantastic. Of course, both these comments should be under the blog post above.
