
Friday, June 17, 2016

Walking, walking in the rain

Yesterday I had intended to go to the beach, but the weather was bleak, so I got off at Clarendon Street, South Melbourne, looked in the op shop and ate my lunch at the fish and chip shop. It was extremely cold, about 11C degrees and it had begun to rain, but I was not going to be put off having a nice long walk, so I strolled along and looked at the shops, walked under all the bridges that make up City Link until I reached the Casino.

My coat, hat and gloves were wet so I took refuge in one of the foyers until I warmed up and then I headed off again to attempt to find Swanston Street. It's all a bit of a maze for a pedestrian at that end of the city and half way I must admit I really didn't recognise where I was but managed to make my way down behind the ABC where I ran into Jenny Powell (Riff Raiders - hard rock band) whose married to Marty, my son's cousin. We talked for a while and then I walked to the NGV and saw the glass mirror maze installed in the entrance.

After ten minutes or so I walked to Federation Square and took a photo of the large Theremin, which was emitting some wonderful sounds. On reflection, the cold was unpleasant but I loved, walking, walking in the rain.

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