
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ulla von Brandenburg installation and Art, Ethics and Indigeneity Symposium

Last week I attended the lecture given by the young French artist Ulla von Brandenburg and it was the most interesting, informative and well presented lecture I've heard in the past year at VCA even though she was suffering from jet lag. I also think that the whole presentation was assisted greatly by the fact that it was held in Federation Hall, which is comfortable and warm. Their usual weekly art lectures are held in what I refer to as the tin shed, because the building is cold in winter and stinking hot in summer.
Yesterday I stepped out of the Art, Ethics and Indigeneity Symposium held at VCA to see Ulla's amazing installation at ACCA called It has a gold yellow sun and an elderly grey moon. It didn't disappoint. In fact it was the most beautiful installation I've seen at ACCA and well worth a look if you are down that way. Her monochromatic films tinted with different colored hues are subtle, romantic and evocative of another time, as is her use of melancholic refrains of Germanic folk songs. Here's a little teaser of one of her filmsI took with my phone.
I really enjoyed hearing Richard Frankland do his spoken word with guitar performance at the Art, Ethics and Indigeneity Symposium and meeting with him in the break. I met some lovely people and was impressed with the buffet luncheon served, which was almost vegan. Congratulations Melbourne University, VCA and the Wilin Centre for putting on such an informative symposium. On a personal note, can't shake this chest cold and am off to the doctor again this morning.

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