
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A secret garden, such lurid beauty?

Remember that on 30 September this year I was talking about a homeless person who had made a make-shift bed in Richmond. Well, here are two photos of his nightly abode. First one was on a not so cold night and the second photograph, which I took a few days ago shows how he has made creative use of available materials, namely some bubble wrap to keep himself warm and protect him from the elements. Food for thought I should think and totally weird that he is sleeping rough near an advertisement for gas bottles.

On a brighter note, you must go and see The Secret Garden at ACCA, an installation that comprises four room of an exquisite nature (which I saw last Saturday), and  Lurid Beauty: Australian Surrealism and its Echoes at the National Gallery of Victoria at Federation Square (which I saw this morning). My favorites were paintings by James Gleeson and Louise Hearman as well as prints by Pat Brassington. But there are loads of other amazing works in this extensive exhibition. Don't miss it! I'm looking forward to hearing Max Delaney, Senior Curator of Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Victoria, speak tomorrow on the upcoming December exhibition Andy Warhol | Ai Weiwei. Spring is an amazing time of the year and though I'm still struggling with my vestibular migraine symptoms most days I manage to get around and see things, much better off than the young man who is sleeping outside each night.Oh, for those interested, I've written a little more to my post entitled Electric Scream in which I expound the notion of the shimmer. See the following link. Note, I'm still working on that piece of writing... (ha)

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