
Saturday, March 28, 2015


Like hundreds of Melbournians I braved the cold yesterday to attend and take photos before and after the State Funeral of Malcolm Fraser held at Scot's Church in Collins Street (for family, friends and politicians) and with live feed on four large screens at at St. Michael's Church (opposite) for the general public. I felt sorry for the journalists, camera operators and others who had to stand out in the cold waiting to get that one great photo and admired those from the Vietnamese community who held their Rest in Peace banner from 10am to after the funeral ended at around 12.30pm. In an otherwise quiet and solemn day the only spectacle was the casket covered with an Australian flag and white flowers.  It was a beautiful service and I was happy to be one of many to sign the condolences book for the family. I simply wrote Respect and Admiration.

Live feed inside St. Michael's. Photo: Julie Clarke (c) 2015

Tammy Fraser coming out of Scot's Church. Photo: Julie Clarke (c) 2015
Tammy Fraser and family. Photo: Julie Clarke (c) 2015

Tanya Plibersek and The Honorable Daniel Andrews. Photo: Julie Clarke (c) 2015
Christine Milne. Photo: Julie Clarke (c) 2015
Julie Bishop (sorry, all a bit of a blur). Photo: Julie Clarke (c) 2015

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