
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blog stats...slipped over quietly past the 200,000 mark

A year after I began the blog (I began it in August 2009) the blog reached 10,000 views in Septemher 2010. Six months later in March 2011 it had reached 20,000 views. In November of that same year we reached 50,000 views. A year later in October 2012 we reached 100,00 page views and in December 2013 we had the grand total of 180,000 views.  The blog slipped over into 200,00 page views on Monday and although I rarely post these days I’m happy that people are still visiting regularly and still reading old posts.
I've all but given up writing opinion pieces in a climate in which bloggers are regarded as journalists and writers can be sued or taken to task for what they think. I'm happy these days to post my art and keep my thoughts about the world, its politics and its people to myself. A bad state of affairs really in which we feel muffled and the only place you can actually say anything or be protected from what you write is being published in the academic arena ~ a place sadly that most of the community has little access to and wouldn't really want access to. Having said that many of my past academic articles may now be accessed through this public link


  1. Hi Julie did you get any photos of the guy that carried the women out of the house in Richmond. He was not a fire fighter

  2. I think you meant this to be under my post on the fire. I'll see if I can put it there. But no, didn't get any photos of he man.
