Friday, March 21, 2025

New paintings

This week I began a series of small acrylic paintings (10 x 12 inch) on Belgum Linen canvas boards n response to an A2 sized painting on stretched canvas I did in 2018, which I called Posthuman. I will place all paintings regardless of whether I consider them finished or pleasing, or unfinished and not pleading. The first one is as placed.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Stelarc photo you haven't seen

Not sure who the photographer was but he gave me the photo after I attended a private lecture by Stelarc. At that time I was privately tutoring Christopher Smith (standing next to Stelarc) who was studying art at VCA. Written on the back is: ARTREV, 18/11/1993.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Drawing on Vestibular Migraine

This drawing of mine purchased and in a private collection in 2018 exemplifies the way I feel today as I have been suffering from a continuous bout of Vestibular Migraine. This one began yesterday with sudden onset of vertigo and violent shakes when I was about to order at AuCafe in Richmond. I was so lucky to receive help from the owner and and a man who sat with me until the brain event subsided. The sickening aftermath was unbalanced gait and anxiety. Today, I've not been too bad. A minor dizzy attack. I'm worse in hot weather so must be alert in the next few days of Melbourne high temperatures.

Self-portrait. Julie Clarke © 2018

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Chapel Street

You see it all down Chapel Street. It used to be where the 'beautiful people hung out', now you see it all down Chapel Street.

The pros and their pimps, the 'trannies' and the 'fags', the 'old slag' (their words not mine), asking for tailor made's to take round the corner to their boyfriend who needs a smoke - he can't wear a cushion over his belly. She can, but we're not fooled she's not pregnant, just trying to solicit sympathy. 

Yes, you see it all down Chapel Street. The young girls with shorts up to their 'whatsit' (please trim your pubic hairs because I don't want to see them trailing below your jean line as you pass by my line of sight). The elderly lady with shopping cart glares at them & eventually they stand up to offer her a seat on the tram next to the girl in white carrying a Maltese of some kind in her Gucci tote. It's yappy & draws everyone's attention. 

The ageing druggie with lines on his face & tattooed from neck to knee mutters something at her under his breath and returns to his previous position of head in hands. Everyone else's eyes are glued to their mobile phone so they can't see it all down Chapel Street.

Julie Clarke (c) 2024

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Over half a million

I was waiting for the 500,000 views and I missed it. It's now clicked over that mark. Nevermind. People are still viewing the posts even though I've been rather tardy about posting. Will attempt to provide something again soon.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Rain Moth

I'd never seen one before or since I photographed a Rain Moth on my tree in 2017. They only live one day in their adult form. They reproduce and then die. This magnificent creature was about 12 cm long and remained on my tree for a few hours, then disappeared. The tree is also no longer as it was infested by an ant colony and had to be removed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

CoViD 19 artworks

 Here are some of my CoViD artworks